Replica Gucci Small Top Handle Bag with Bamboo 675797
A material that speaks to the long-lasting traditions that come together to create Gucci's heritage, this bag's bamboo handles are expertly curved using a flameāa process originally conceived by Florentine artisans during the postwar period. The pink leather style is enriched by a detachable Web strap that allows the accessory to be worn on the shoulder or as a top handle. Versatile designs appear throughout The Gucci Aria collection enriching styles with multiple ways to wear so that they can be worn again and again, creating timeless pieces.
- 21 x 15 x 7 cm
- Pink leather
- Antique gold-toned and bamboo hardware
- Green and red Web strap
- Lining: cotton linen
- Inside: 1 zip pocket; 1 open pocket with mirror
- Bamboo handles with 4.3' drop
- Web strap with 18.5' drop and leather with 19.7' drop
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