Replica Gucci Jumbo GG Mini Tote Bag 699406
Replica Gucci Jumbo GG Mini Tote Bag 699406
99 sold
First seen as part of Gucci Aria, the jumbo version of the emblematic GG motif returns atop signature luggage pieces, imbuing each design with a pronounced logo feel. This mini tote bag is accentuated by the signature green and red House Web, a contemporary take on a Gucci archival belt buckle from the '70s.
- 16 x 20 x 7 cm
- Camel and ebony jumbo GG canvas
- Brown leather trim
- Green and red Web
- Cotton linen lining
- Inside: 1 leather card slot
- Handle with 2.7' drop
- Shoulder strap with 22' drop
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