Replica Gucci Jackie Small Shoulder Bag 782849 Smooth Leather
Replica Gucci Jackie Small Shoulder Bag 782849 Smooth Leather
99 sold
The new Gucci Jackie is crafted from premium fine leather which highlights the craftsmanship, crescent shape, and sleek silhouette of the House's iconic shoulder bag. Light gold-toned hardware, leather trim, and an additional Web strap gives this Gucci Jackie small shoulder bag in light grey leather further styling options.
- 27.5 x 19 x 4 cm
- Smooth leather
- Light gold-toned leather
- Leather lining
- Interior: 1 zip pocket with Gucci Crest zip puller
- 7.1' handle drop
- Detachable Web shoulder strap with 20.5' drop
- Hook closure
- Fits up to: iPhone Pro Max/Plus, Airpods, long wallet, and lipstick
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