Replica Gucci GG Supreme Shoulder Bag 575073 Coffee
Replica Gucci GG Supreme Shoulder Bag 575073 Coffee
99 sold
The shoulder bag. designed with a softly structured rectangular shape recalls traditional camera cases. presented in beige canvas. The bi-color woven fabric has a slightly aged effect that enhances a vintage appearance. trimmed with the House Web and brown leather. Completed with a wide nylon shoulder strap that can be removed using metal clips on each side. New shapes and signature Gucci lines are reimagined in a mix of fabrics and trims imbued with an inherently summer feel.
– 24.5 x 15 x 7 cm
– Beige/ebony GG Supreme canvas
– Cuir leather trim
– Shiny gold-toned hardware
– Green and red Web
– Interlocking G
– Interior open pocket
– Detachable nylon shoulder strap with 20″ drop
– Zipper closure
– Cotton lining
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