Replica Gucci Dionysus Leather Super Mini Bag 476432
99 sold
A structured leather chain super mini bag with a key ring that can be used to attach this bag to a separate larger bag. The closure has the textured tiger head spur closure-a unique detail referencing the Greek god Dionysus. who in myth is said to have crossed the river Tigris on a tiger sent to him by Zeus. The tiger head closure is enriched with Swarovski crystal stones. Made in resistant textured leather.
– 16.5 x 10 x 4.5 cm
– Black leather
– Tiger head with crystals
– Palladium-toned hardware
– Attached key ring that can attach to a separate bag
– Chain shoulder strap with 23.5″ drop
– Pin closure with side release
– This item can fit a cell phone up to 2.7W x 5.8H x .3D
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